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Bed Bugs Biology and Behavior Live And Hide

Bed Bugs Biology and Behavior Live And Hide – If you are part of the traveling public. Bedbugs are definitely a concern in this course. You will learn about the biology of bedbugs as well as how to manage your stay in hotels and motels to avoid bedbugs. And if the worst happens and you bring those bedbugs home with you how to manage a home infestation. Let’s get started.

Bedbug biology and behavior don’t let the bedbugs bite is a phrase many of us have said and heard since childhood. It is still relevant today especially, if you travel a lot. All travelers should be aware of the increase in bedbug infestations worldwide due to the growth in the number of people traveling to many destinations.

While these parasites do feed on human blood they do not cause or transmit diseases. However, the itchy red welts caused by the saliva and their bites can be annoying and the mere idea of bedbugs is just downright creepy however knowledge, not fear is the key to defending yourself against bedbugs.


Bed Bugs Biology and Behavior

Bed Bugs Biology and Behavior
Bed Bugs Biology and Behavior


If you are going to be traveling it is always a good idea to take some simple precautions as unsuspecting travelers can encounter bedbug infestations and unknowingly transport bedbugs from place to place including other hotels or home if you are going to be traveling this short course is designed to cover some bedbug basics for you their appearance life characteristics and behavior to start with.


What do bedbugs look like

What do bedbugs look like? size-wise they’re quite small in fact adults are only about a quarter of an inch long almost the size of an apple seed. Here you can see an adult in comparison to the size of a dime bedbugs ranging color from brown to reddish-brown are oval-shaped slat and paper-thin when unfed when they have had a blood meal. However, their bodies become fuller and more rounded as you can see on this slide.

The bedbugs on the left are unfed and the ones on the right are fed and their shapes have changed immature bedbugs are tiny as small as a 16th of an inch and nearly colorless except after a blood meal when they become bright red like the one you see in this slide another question to address is how do bed bugs live.


Bedbugs Live and Hide

Bedbugs are winless and hide in tiny cracks and crevices called Harbor ridges during the day. Nighttime is their most active time when they scurry around in search of a blood source females lay batches of oval-shaped eggs.

One-sixteenth of an inch long in protected areas of their environments pictured is a greatly enlarged image of two eggs with bedbugs in them and one shell from which a bedbug has already hatched. The red dots are the developing bedbugs eye spots after blood feeds immature bedbugs will shed their skin or mold five times before becoming adults. In this picture, you can see a shed skin after a bedbug has melted. Adults and nymphs all require blood feeds for growth and development.

However, immature bedbugs can live for several months without a blood meal. Adults may survive as long as one year without a meal a third and vital question is what are the signs of a bedbug infestation. In addition to bites or itchy areas on your skin, there are four basic signs of bedbugs. Eggs cast skins fecal spots and live bedbugs.

Eggs are too tiny to see with the naked eye but castoff skins while also small can be seen as seen here in comparison with a penny live bedbugs if visible are most likely to be found in hiding places in or around the bed.

As they feed bedbugs digest blood and defecate leaving behind small marks similar to those that might be made by a ballpoint pen. These are known as fecal spots and can range from black to brown to red and color although the majority will be blackish brown fecal spots are most likely to be found on mattresses and sheets and will usually be slightly raised from the surrounding wood or fabric bedbugs are very quick and will run away from the light if you cover them.

So, it is possible to not see them easily. They are difficult to control because their small size enables them to hide almost anywhere on mattresses and bed frames cracks and crevices and walls under peeling paint or behind walls sockets and light switches. Bedbugs only stay long enough to feed before moving away to hide and digest so it is fairly rare to find adults on or around your body after they have fed in conclusion. Being able to identify all of the life stages of bedbugs as well as being familiar with their behavior are both important factors and better understanding of how to detect prevent and eradicate them not fear them.

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