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Tips to Rid of Palmetto Bugs and Prevention

Sometimes Palmetto bugs were mistakenly called the American cockroach which is found around the places or homes where the area was humid and damp. This is also uncommon to see palmetto bugs in places where the weather is humid and hot all summer. However, you can find these creepy bugs in other areas as well. Once, you find out it, then you will wonder about how to get rid of palmetto bugs.

When you have spotted one or two palmetto bugs or they crawling in your walls, then there is a good chance that there are more palmetto bugs hiding somewhere inside your house. While it needs some patience and diligence in your side, then you are able to rid of this creepy pest without you have to call the exterminator as long as this infestation does not out of control.


How to Rid of Palmetto Bugs and Prevention

How to Rid of Palmetto Bugs
How to Rid of Palmetto Bugs


How do palmetto bugs enter your house?

If you know a bit about the roaches, then you should know that they can be a crafty pest. They always find their own way even the smallest opening in your house. The palmetto bugs can enter inside your house easily throughout these ways:

  • Crack in your foundation or walls
  • Pipes
  • The attic
  • The small way from opening under your doors
  •  Gaps between windows

Palmetto bugs can get into your house even before you realize them until it might be too late.

Things that can attract roaches

So always keep in mind that palmetto bugs are roaches and roaches were always attracted in two things, they are food and water. So, if you have a kitchen which is full of pipes and food that bring the freshwater, then your house is a five-star hotel for them. If you have spotted roaches inside your house, then there is a possibility you have a food that lying somewhere and attracting them to go close with, such as:

  • It can be garbage outside your house
  • It can be piece of candy
  •  It can be an opened cracker and so on

And if you had leaked pipe somewhere inside your house, then they might attract with that thing as well.


Here several signs of palmetto bug infestation

How you can tell if you have a palmetto bug infestation inside your house?. Because they are nocturnal creature, then you usually cannot find them in opened place. They prefer to get out of their nest when it’s dark and obviously there is no human around.

Pay attention with these signs to find out if you have an infestation:

Smells – palmetto bug can release the unpleasant odor which is a sharp odor that can last for a long time. Sometimes, this odor can make other creatures stay away.

The bug spotting – if you see the palmetto bug in opened space, then there is a possibility that you might have quite a severe infestation inside your house. In this case, you might want to call a professional, unless if you do not have problem to share your house with them.

The dropping – of course, palmetto bug also do dropping along their route that they travelled. This is also depending on the size of the bug, it might look like tiny grain of black sand or pepper. You can see the brown matter in your walls or inside the book’s page. These signs can come from regurgitated food.

The shell casings – you should know that one of the most common signs for palmetto bug infestation is the shell casings. Sometimes, this is small, brown, and oval shells. You can look out in your kitchen cabinets, under your stove, behind refrigerator, and more.

Holes in your clothes – similar to other roaches, the palmetto bug will eat anything. You might find out holes in your clothes or waste which they left inside the book.


Tips to rid of the palmetto bug


Clean and clean more

It cannot be emphasized enough that you have to keep your house stay clean when you are trying to rid of them. Every dirty dish, crumb, and every food drop should be cleaned properly because of those things can make them coming back or even more.

  • Keep all of your opened food in the airtight containers
  • Always sweep your floor every day
  • Keep your kitchen from any crumbs and food wastes
  •  Ensure that lid in your garbage is tightened close
  •  Vacuum your rug every day

The important point is eliminating all of possible food source, so this bug does not have reasons to survive.


Repairing your leaking pipes

As mentioned before that water also can attract the palmetto bug come to your house. So, you can find out signs of leaking pipes inside your house and fix them ASAP. This is because water is thing that attracted them, so fixing your leaking pipes is a good way to push them get off from your house.


The boric acid

Similar to other roaches, then the palmetto bug is prone with boric acid which is can kill them as well. If you look for an effective and non-toxic killer, then the boric acid can be your best option. So, you can spread out in the places where roaches frequent spotted, usually behind the appliances and kitchen counters. If they walk passing the powder then it will kill them.


Caulk the cracks

As mentioned above that these roaches can enter you house even from the smallest of cracks as well. Then you can spend your time to caulk time the cracks and other openings especially close to windows and doors. You are able to use steel wool to seal up your cracks.

Like other roaches, this palmetto bug can lead health risks as well. They can spread out the dangerous pathogens, including of salmonella that can contaminate your food. When they are travelling across your floor, then they will leave shedding and feces which can lead to allergic reactions and asthma attacks for some people as well. So, this is important to know how to get rid of palmetto bugs and use those tips to rid of them.

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