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How to Get Rid of Wasps with Effective Methods

How to get rid of wasps? You probably suspect that their infestation is already happening within your property. You’ve seen their nest and you have come across them several times whenever you are spending time outdoors. No need to worry.

There are several solutions to try without having to put yourself and your family in harm’s way. There are also some dos and don’ts that you can follow to make the process go as safely as possible.


Best Ways To Get Rid of Wasps Naturally

People often mistake wasps with a honey bee or yellow jacket or even hornets. But they are different, especially in size and shape. Whereas yellow jackets are wasps, not all wasps are yellow jackets. You can say that yellow jackets are a type of wasps. Wasps can sting too and they are also territorial. If you disturb their nest, they will surely attack.

When you see wasps, never swat them. Even when you encounter a single wasp, don’t do it. When you do, it will release pheromones triggering other wasps nearby to see you as a threat. And you don’t want them to come and swarm around you – and sting you. That’s why learning how to get rid of wasps would be the best thing that you can do.

How to Get Rid of Wasps
How to Get Rid of Wasps


Effective Nest Removal

Remember that wasps are territorial? Well, if you see a nest in the early stage of forming, it doesn’t hurt to create a fake nest. The fake one will deter the wasps from completing the real one. If you want to know how to get rid of a wasps nest, you need to analyze the size first. If it is small enough, you can always knock it down and then destroy it. Of course, don’t forget to suit up. If the nest is bigger, you can always use the commercial wasp trap. Buy some of them and set them up in faraway spots from your house. It’s like leaving breadcrumbs trail, but you are leaving trap trail. Make sure to follow the directions (usually found on the trap) so you can maximize the use.


Cut Their Food Source

Wasps would be attracted to come closer and closer to your house if they see it as a potential food source. The best for you is to cut them off. If you see the nest is quite far from the house and you don’t see them as a threat, just leave them be. Try to go outside and spend some time there. If you can have some peaceful time without being disturbed by them, then you are good to go. Just make sure that you don’t leave any garbage out, especially food and leftover because it will draw them closer to your home.


DIY Trap

Use a two-liter (plastic) bottle and cut it (just above the label). Remove the top side of the bottle. Place any bait on the bottom side. You can use anything, such as overripe fruit, raw meat, canned cat food, fruit juice, etc. Then, turn the top upside—down and put it inside the bottom part. Make sure to tape the edges securely together. Place it away from the house, such as 20 feet distant. The wasps would be interested in coming to the trap but they won’t be able to come out. When the trap is already full, you can easily freeze it. Freezing it will kill the inside – and you can compost it later.

Having wasps’ infestation at home can be super annoying. Not only they are noisy and unpleasant, but you will also have to constantly be worried about being stung. Your concern may escalate if you have pets and kids. Although wasps usually make nest outdoor, they can always get into the house and build the nest indoor. The possibility is slim but there is always a chance that a single wasp can enter your house and create havoc. If you love having your windows and doors open, all kinds of insects can come in and have their way indoor.


Peppermint Oil

How to get rid of wasps with peppermint oil? Peppermint oil doesn’t pose any health risk and it is more natural too. After all, wasps don’t like mint – any type of it. So, making use of it would be a clever and environment-friendly way to get rid of the noisy insects. Whenever you see a nest, you can drop some of the oil to a cotton pad, a cotton ball, or tissue and just leave it there. Wasps hate the smell of it. You can also leave the tissue (with peppermint scent on it) behind crevices, under any holes or cracks, sheds, porch roofs, and decking. You can also place it on doors and windows. It doesn’t hurt to plant peppermint either. Not only they smell great, but they can help you get rid of some pesky pests, including the wasps. Plant them around the house or close to the potential spots where nests may be built.


Honey Trap

This one is made from a mix of water and sugar. Simply put it in a bottle and leave it on places where wasps are often found. The wasps would be attracted to the sugar. When they are entering the bottle, they won’t be able to get out. Eventually, they will die.


Soapy Water

Soapy Water
Soapy Water


You can also mix water and soap (dish soap will do) to make this trap. Combine water with around 2 tablespoons of the soap. Put the mixture in a spray bottle. When you see the wasp, don’t sweat it. Simply spray it with the soapy water mix. The idea is to douse the wasp with soapy water so they will be suffocated. The soapy water will clog the breathing spores, leading to the wasp’s death.


Targeting the Nest

There are some ways to target and destroy the nest. First of all, use the combination of soapy water and water blast (from your garden hose). You simply squirt the liquid soap at the end of the hose and then run the water until you see suds forming. Make sure that the water pressure is high when you blast the nest with the soapy water. This way, you put an end to the entire colony – especially if the nest hasn’t been completed and it is still in the construction mode.

You can also smoke out the nest. Put a barbeque or a small fire beneath the nest. Make sure that the nest is right on the top and the smoke will directly go to the nest. If you do it right, the smoke should suffocate them and force the wasps to move or evacuate.

However, you need to be extra careful when doing this method. First, you are dealing with lit material and fire, which can lead to fire hazards if anything goes wrong. Second, you will have to be close enough to the nest, which means that your chances of being stung or attacked would be bigger. You will have to wear protective clothing and gear, making sure that you are fully covered from head to toe.


Minimize the Light Source

Wasps may be attracted to a light source, so it would be a good idea to minimize it. You can use opaque window and door screens so the lights inside won’t be visible outdoor. The lights won’t be shining brightly, minimizing the possibility of wasps (and other insects) from coming to your house. You can turn off the lights within your outdoor setting (usually the porch or verandah). But in case you still want to turn the lights on, but cover it with red paper.


Natural Insecticide Spray

Natural Insecticide Spray  for Wasps
Natural Insecticide Spray  for Wasps


Keep in mind that insecticides may be effective in killing and stopping their infestation. But the chemicals aren’t safe for you, your family members (pets included), and the surrounding environment. If you do choose the insecticides (provided that you have lost hope with the unsuccessful natural methods), make sure that the area is cleared out. Kids, people, and pets shouldn’t come to the area for at least 24 hours. It would give it enough time for the toxic chemicals to dry out.

If you see some dead wasps, make sure to remove them right away – if possible, go to the landfill. You don’t want your pets or other animals to eat those dead but poisonous wasps. And be prepared that some of your plants (and flowers) may die from it. If you know the risks and you are ready for it, then this method is possible.

If you are looking for a less-dangerous method, you can go with the insecticide spray with a ‘more natural’ ingredient – usually the food-grade types, like peppermint oil. Some brands have such a product. This kind of spray can work quite well on wasps, but the damage is less expansive than the poisonous chemical types. However, be sure to use this spray with a similar way of using the regular spray. Clear out the area and don’t let kids, humans, and pets come to the treated spot until the next 24 hours. And remove all of the dead wasps immediately.


Some Handy Tips For Getting Rid of Wasps

Getting Rid of Wasps


When learning how to get rid of wasps, there are several helpful things that you can do:

  • When you make wasps traps, make sure that the wasps are all dead before emptying the traps. If you see some live ones and you want to release them, make sure to be fully clothed and release them FAR AWAY from your property and the nest. You don’t want the wasps to warn their friends and ask them to come to attack you.
  • If the traps don’t have any fruitful outcome, try to relocate them. You may have placed the traps on the wrong locations
  • Don’t use eggs for the eggs. Not only it will produce a very nasty and foul smell, but it can also attract other animals, such as skunks or raccoons. You don’t want your wasp infestation issue to transform into the skunk infestation issue.
  • You should be extra careful when handling dead wasps. They may be dead but their stinger is still active. Wear protective and thick gloves all the time!


Hopefully, these methods on how to get rid of wasps can help you deal with wasps’ infestation problem for once and for all.

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